Friday, March 13, 2009

Analogy of the Day

Highway : Road :: Hymn : Song

Word of the Day

My mongrel dog is part pitbull and part terrier.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cyber Smart Essay

Analogy of the Day

Stereo : Expensive :: Porcupine : Spiny

Word of the Day

My uncle will abstain in his next meeting with his group.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Essay on Cybersmart

Using the Internet can be fun yet informative at the same time. You can communicate with other people but it’s important that you remain safe. It is really important to remain safe so you won’t get hurt or so anything bad won’t happen. It is also important to remain safe because there are a lot of people out there who want to get personal information from you and that can put you in danger. Chat rooms are websites where people can chat. Whenever you sign in onto a chat room, you need to put a user name that others can see so they know when you’re participating. The username should be anonymous so that no one can know anything about your private identity. Be sure to also have a password that only you know to keep your private identity safe.
You will need to know these tips so that you can remain safe. 1. Never give private information about yourself to anyone you’ve met on the internet and to be safe, stay anonymous. 2. Never agree to get together with someone you’ve met on the Internet. 3. Never use a username or password that gives a clue about your private identity. 4. Keep your password private. 5. If you receive an e-mail message from someone you don’t know, delete it. 6. Never give your address or number to anyone you’ve met online. 7. Be sure to not accidentally give out any private information while chatting online. 8. If a cyberpal doesn’t stop asking you for information about you, tell an adult.
Most websites will have a privacy policy, which states the site’s rules about sharing your private information with others. Other things that privacy policies may include is information about how the site enforces laws protecting minors on the web. Websites can sometimes get information about users by using cookies, tiny text files placed on your computer by the website you’re visiting. Cookies can’t do any damage to your computer but they can compromise your privacy and stay there for years. That’s one way that sites can get information about you. Just remember to be cyber smart and you’ll be safe.
To get more information, you can also go to these and

Analogy of the Day

Grieve : Celebrate :: Lose : Win

Word of the Day

My friends and I are not one bit penurious.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

AC-141 Rubic

Analogy of the Day

Sport : Snowboarding :: Dessert : Pudding

Word of the Day

My cousin had a quandary last week because he didn't know what color to paint his room.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Word of the Day

The diurnal newspaper arrives at the front porch everyday.

Analogy of the Day

QUILT : WARM :: Sprinter : fast